Level order traversal – Breadth-first

Here is implementation of level order traversal of a binary tree.

Level order traversal is nothing more than traversing each level at a time

           10              Lev 1
          /   \
        9     15          Lev  2
      /      /   \ 
    7      12    17      Lev 3


10 9 15 7 12 17

AVL Tree example

69:  29  77 
29:  15  48 
15:  5  23 
5:  3  11 
11:  -  14 
23:  16  26 
16:  -  18 
48:  33  64 
33:  32  46 
64:  50  68 
77:  72  84 
72:  71  76 
84:  80  89 
80:  79  82 
89:  87  93 
The level order result is:
69 29 77 15 48 72 84 5 23 33 64 71 76 80 89 3 11 16 26 32 46 50 68 79 82 87 93 14 18 


 * Implementation of Level order traversal
 * Prints nodes at each level left to right
template <class Record>
void AVL_tree<Record>::level_order() {
	cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;
	if(this->root == NULL){
		cout << "EMPTY TREE" << endl;
		cout << endl;
		queue<Binary_node<Record>*> nodeQueu;
			Binary_node<Record>* entry=nodeQueu.front();
			cout<<entry->data<<" ";
			if(entry->left != NULL){
			if(entry->right != NULL){
	cout << "\n++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl;


Running time complexity of this algorithm is O(n) since every node will have to be explored

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