Author name: greg

Preventing ViewExpiredException in JSF

When our page is idle for x amount of time the view will expire and throw javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException to prevent this from happening one solution is to create CustomViewHandler that extends ViewHandler and override restoreView method all the other methods are being delegated to the Parent import; import javax.faces.FacesException; import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler; import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; …

Preventing ViewExpiredException in JSF Read More »

Xpath alternate row colors

This XPath expression will let you alternate row colors Alternate Rows <wr:if select="1+count(preceding-sibling::*) mod 2 = 1"> ROW A Color <wr:else/> ROW B Color </wr:if>Alternate Rows <wr:if select="1+count(preceding-sibling::*) mod 2 = 1"> ROW A Color <wr:else/> ROW B Color </wr:if> Example I will provide complete example soon.

Android ImpulseShopper released

About ImpulseShopper(pre-beta) is application that lets you monitor your favorite daily deals websites like,, etc… Includes both widget and full blown application. Engine based Filters Product thumbnails Share via SMS, Email, Twitter Notifications Deployed on Google AppEngine Screenshots [nggallery id=7]

HashTable implemented using quadratic probing for collision resolution

Using quadratic probing for collision resolution #define ERROR_TABLE_FULL -1 #define ERROR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND -1 #define ERROR_DUPLICATE_RECORD -1   class HashTable{ public: HashTable(int table_size); int insert(const string &record); int retrieve(const string &record); private: int hash(const string &record); int hash_size; int record_count; string* table; };   /** * Constructor accepting table_size */ HashTable::HashTable(int table_size){ hash_size = table_size; table = …

HashTable implemented using quadratic probing for collision resolution Read More »

HashTable implemented using linear probing for collision resolution

Using linear probing for collision resolution in hashtable   #define ERROR_TABLE_FULL -1 #define ERROR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND -1 #define ERROR_DUPLICATE_RECORD -1   class HashTable{ public: HashTable(int table_size); int insert(const string &record); int retrieve(const string &record);   private: int hash(const string &record); int hash_size; int record_count; string* table; };   /** * Constructor accepting table_size */ HashTable::HashTable(int table_size){ hash_size …

HashTable implemented using linear probing for collision resolution Read More »