Dump leptonica pix data to console

Small utility for dumping Leptonica Pix data to the screen.

void dump(PIX* pix)
    int_t w = pix->w;
    int_t h = pix->h;
    int_t wpl = pixGetWpl(pix);
    l_uint32* data = pixGetData(pix);
    l_uint32* line;
    printf("Depth : %d \n", pix->d);
    for (int_t y = 0; y < h; ++y)
        printf("%04d  :  ", y);
        line = data + y * wpl;
        for (int_t x = 0; x < w; ++x)
            l_uint32 val = 0;
            if(pix->d == 1)
                val = GET_DATA_BIT(line, x);
            else if(pix->d == 2)
                val = GET_DATA_DIBIT(line, x);
            else if(pix->d == 4)
                val = GET_DATA_QBIT(line, x);
            else // 8, 16, 32
                val = GET_DATA_BYTE(line, x);
            printf("%03d ", val);

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