14 thoughts on “tabwidgetdemo for eclipse”

  1. Hi! I have imported your project but I can’t manage to understand this step: “2.After you import the TabWidgedDemo project you will probably need to fix your buildpath.
    Make sure to add TabWidet as a reference to TabWidgedDemo.”

    Could you explain more about how to manually reference things? I also can’t find TabWidgetDemo anywhere.

    1. Hi,
      On Step 2 (In your Eclipse)you need goto Project>Properties>Java Build Path and then ‘Project’ Tab and then click ‘Add’ and and select TabWidget Project from the popup.
      I assume that you imported bot TabWidget and TabWidgetDemo project into your eclipse, otherwise you won’t be able to compile TabWidgetDemo.

      Hope this helps.

  2. -From France-


    I have a problem with Eclipse and the build path : “Build path entry is missing: TabWidget”

    I am a beginner in Android (student) and i can’t resolve this problem. All is correct : target (1.5), import etc.

    For instance :

    import com.gregbugaj.tabwidget.Tab;
    import com.gregbugaj.tabwidget.TabHost;
    import com.gregbugaj.tabwidget.TabHostProvider;
    import com.gregbugaj.tabwidget.view.TabViewConfig;

    Those lines are underlined…

    Thank you.


  3. HI Greg,

    I dwonlaoded the project from google code and also from your link to demo project but both project don’t have “TAbWidget” project in it. Android project has reference of that project but there is no source or Jar file attached in that poroject. Can you please help me.


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